The International Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) Competition.


Benchmark Submission
Previous Editions


Proof Exhibition Track
Parallel & Cloud Tracks

Final call for solvers

01 Jun 2022

17th International Satisfiability Modulo Theories Competition (SMT-COMP’22)

Final Call for Solvers

We now invite registration of solvers for SMT-COMP 2022.

Solvers must be uploaded to StarExec, and entered into the competition via the web form.

The submission deadline for (first versions of) solvers is

** June 18, 2022. **

After the above date, no new entrants will be accepted. However, submitted solvers may be updated until

** July 2, 2022. **

We plan to publish the results including all materials in an artifact. By participating, you agree that we may copy your solver binaries to this artifact. Please include a license file of your choice with your solver binaries. Please contact us, if you want to include other files with the artifact.

Note that a short system description of 1-2 pages (see Section 4 of the competition rules) is part of the solver submission and MANDATORY. Submission of the system description is due until the final solver deadline on July 2,

  1. Participants are however asked to provide a link to the system description in the registration form to facilitate the registration, even if the actual description would not yet be available at the time of the registration. The StarExec links to the final solver submission must be provided via email to the organizers by the final deadline.

Some pre- and post-processors have changed for SMT-COMP 2022 and have been uploaded to StarExec. For the other tracks, you can use last year’s pre-/post-processors for testing. Note that for testing your solver in the incremental track you need to wrap the trace executor around your solver. If you don’t wrap it yourself, we will wrap your solver in the competition.

NEW: Your solver can have multiple configurations for different tracks. To create different configurations, put multiple scripts into the bin directory with the name starexec_run_trackname. The default configuration is used for all other tracks.

The model-validator currently does not work with the new experimental floating point division. We will upload a new post-processor for this division later.

As in the last year, we organize a separate parallel and cloud solving track, hosted by Amazon Web Services. More information on the participation on these two tracks is available here.

Finally, this year we have a proof exhibition track (details also at Section 5.8 of the rules). Entrants are expected to submit a proof checker together with solver. Moreover, the system description of entrants in this track can have up to two extra pages for describing the respective proof format and proof checker.

Please see the competition rules for further details.


The organizing team